Sunday 17 February 2013

I Like Myself The Way I Am

I was feeling a bit blue this afternoon about one thing and another and I happened to catch the end of the film 'Penelope'. 
I remember watching it at some point in the past, but I couldn't remember the whole storyline.
Penelope is a girl born with a curse - she has the nose of a pig.  And because of that, she is rejected by everyone apart from her parents and is forced to live at home, never leaving the house.
She misses out on so many things, because she is concerned by what people think of her and by the unkind things that they say to her.
Naturally, she is self-conscious and insecure.  She doesn't really love herself.
It is not until the end of the film that she realises that the one person's opinion that influences and affects her self-esteem is her own.
I love this line at the end of the film when she realises this - "I like myself the way I am."
It is such a powerful moment.
I don't always believe this about myself.  There are lots of things that I would like to change about myself, but I want to start saying this over myself.
I want to speak God's words over myself:
“You are my Son [daughter], chosen and marked by my love, pride of my life.”
[Luke 3:22 MSG]
I love these words in the chorus of 'Beautiful' by Mercyme -
       You're beautiful
       You're beautiful
       You are made for so much more than all of this
       You're beautiful
       You're beautiful
       You are treasured, You are sacred, You are His
       You're beautiful

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