Saturday 9 February 2013

Watch What You Say

I talk to myself.  A lot.
I talk all the time about all sorts of things.  When I'm driving, when I'm cooking, when I'm cleaning etc.  I'll have conversations about all sorts of things: reviewing things that have happened during the day.  Imagining alternative things that could have happened.  Inventing conversations with other people.
Most of the things I say to myself are irrelevant and unimportant. But sometimes I catch myself telling myself how stupid I am, or how I'm not good enough.  Sometimes I hear myself talking negatively and I haven't even noticed myself doing it.
And it always seems that the negative things stick.
As Vivian says in 'Pretty Woman' -
"The bad stuff is easier to believe.  You ever notice that?"
But the Bible tells us how important the words that we use are -
          "Words kill, words give life;
          they’re either poison or fruit—you choose."
          [Proverbs 18:21 MSG]
The words that we speak are like seeds which grow either into flowers or weeds.  What we say affects what we believe and how we treat others and ourselves.  If we are always speaking negatively to and about ourselves, we will find ourselves believing these things.
The bad stuff is easier to believe.  The good stuff is harder, much harder to believe.  But is also essential.
And it is essential that we speak the good stuff about ourselves, until we believe it.

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