Saturday 28 July 2012

On the Rocks

I have seen lots of steep cliffs and jagged rocks this week on holiday and I have heard lots of tales of shipwrecks.

Dramatic tales of boats which have been smashed and shattered against the unforgiving coastline. Ships wrecked and lives lost on the rocks.

Sometimes our lives can be 'shipwrecked' too: we come up against unexpected and unforgiving 'rocks' of our own and we find our lives (or, at least, aspects of our lives) shattered.

Jobs are lost, money is tight, relationships fail.

Our lives are on the rocks.

But when we find ourselves shipwrecked, there is one Rock in whom we can trust.
“There is no one holy like the Lord;
there is no one besides you;
there is no Rock like our God."
[1 Samuel 2:2 NIV]

This Rock won't shatter our lives, but will save them; He won't ruin our dreams, but will restore them; He won't shipwreck our hopes and our hearts, but will provide a solid foundation on which we can build anew.
"He alone is my rock and my salvation;
He is my fortress, I will never be shaken."
[Psalm 62:2 NIV emphasis mine]

When we find our lives on the rocks, let's remember that we can always trust in the Rock.

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