Saturday 20 October 2012


I'm up even earlier today than I usually would be during the week.

I am on a very early train.

I can't see much past the windows on the train because it's so foggy outside. I can see maybe ten feet away from the carriage on either side before the world disappears into swirling white mist.

Waiting at the station, it was cold and damp and misty and I couldn't see very far ahead of me. In fact, I could hear the train a long time before it became visible through the fog.

Sometimes in life, we can't see more than a few feet in front of us either. We can see our own feet, but the rest of the road dissolves into the mist. We don't know where we're going or what the future might hold.

If, like me, you like to be organised and know the 'big picture', this lack of direction and vision is frustrating and limiting and restricting.

But it also makes me more dependent on God.

The Bible describes how God's word reveals our path to us -

"By your words, I can see where I'm going; they throw a beam of light on my dark path."

[Psalm 119:103 MSG]

We may not be able to see the road ahead of us, but as we take small steps of faith and grow closer to God through His word, we find that the road will appear at our feet.

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