Sunday 7 October 2012

Truth and Fear

Most students become firm friends with J.B. Fletcher, Dr Mark Sloane, Poirot and the cast of Neighbours and Doctors during their time at University.  For me, my relationship with J.B. is one that has lasted long after graduation and I still find myself enjoying 'Murder She Wrote' when it's on TV.
Whilst we have established a strong bond, it is not often that Jessica Fletcher speaks into my life.  However, I have just flicked the TV on to find myself half-way through an episode.  I haven't yet figured out what's going on or who's been accused of doing what to whom, but today, J.B.'s insightful and deductive powers have spoken straight to my heart.
Whilst interviewing one woman, she said -
"Why are you so afraid of telling me the truth?"
Shortly followed by,
"It seems that you're afraid of telling me something.  What are you leaving out?"
Why are you so afraid of telling me the truth?  What are you leaving out?
We all have things that we don't want other people to know.  We all edit and reshape and rephrase the 'truth' to make it more palatable.  For ourselves and for others. 
And we can edit the truth when we talk to God, too.  We can diminish our pain or our anger or our disappointment.  We can edit out our frustration with Him, or our doubt in His goodness.  We can sugar-coat the guilt we feel and disguise our need for His forgiveness.
But God desires us to be truthful, in the deepest, rawest of places -
        "What you’re after is truth from the inside out.
        Enter me, then; conceive a new, true life."
        [Psalm 51:6 MSG]
We can be scared of God and other people knowing the real truth about us, because we fear that we will be rejected - we won't be good enough.
We are afraid.
But the Bible says,
"There is no room in love for fear.  Well-formed love banishes fear.  Since fear is crippling, a fearful life—fear of death, fear of judgment—is one not yet fully formed in love."
[1 John 4:18 MSG]
When we begin to grasp the depths of God's unconditional love for us, we don't need to be afraid.  We can tell the true truth about ourselves to God and others - even J.B. Fletcher. 

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