Wednesday 30 January 2013

Fully Restored

Today I have bought myself yet another shampoo and conditioner that claims to restore my nearly-dead hair.
My hair isn't in dreadful condition, but the ends are in a shocking state.  They are split and flyaway and fuzzy.  Today's wind/rain combo left me feeling and looking like Bertha Mason.
I'm not sure how much it will help my hair, but I am a sucker for a new product.
I am always on the lookout for the next thing that will restore and revitalise my hair, rather than acknowledging that the thing that would help my hair the most would be to stop dyeing it so much or straightening it so regularly.  If I looked after it better, I wouldn't need to spend so much time or money trying to restore it.
But rather than fix the real problem, I spend my time and money trying to alleviate the symptoms of the problem.
I think in a spiritual way I often chase after different things to 'restore' me too.  Rather than dealing with the 'root' issues (no pun intended), I will chase after things which will make me feel better in the short-term: things that will make me feel confident and secure and happy.
Instead, I need to return to God, who promises to fully restore me.
I love these Old Testament promises -
"The Lord says, “I will give you back what you lost."
[Joel 2:25 NLT]
          "This very day I’m declaring a double bonus—
          everything you lost returned twice-over!"

[Zechariah 9:12 MSG]
Rather than just dealing with the superficial symptoms of my problems - both hair and spirit-related - I need to go back to their roots and deal with the real causes.  And I need to ask God to come and fully restore me.


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