Thursday 17 January 2013

Let It Snow

This time, it really might snow.
I am beyond excited at the possibility.
I have been checking a variety of weather reports throughout the day - apparently it should reach us early tomorrow morning, around 5 o'clock.  I am seriously considering setting my alarm for 5, just so I can look out to see if it really has snowed this time.
All of this excitement and eager anticipation has made me think about how eagerly I anticipate the things that God is doing in my life or the lives of others, or how excited I get about it all.
If I'm honest, I'm probably more excited about the snow.
But the Bible urges us to be excited and expectant:
"This resurrection life you received from God is not a timid, grave-tending life.  It’s adventurously expectant, greeting God with a childlike 'What’s next, Papa?'  God’s Spirit touches our spirits and confirms who we really are.  We know who he is, and we know who we are: Father and children. And we know we are going to get what’s coming to us—an unbelievable inheritance!"
[Romans 8:15-16 MSG, emphasis mine]
Maybe I'm more excited by the snow, because it's something clearly visible.  It's either snowed or it hasn't, there is no middle ground.  But when it comes to working out what God's doing in my life, I'm not always so sure.  It's not always so black and white.
But perhaps that's because I'm not really looking out for it.  Perhaps that's because I couldn't often describe my attitude as being 'adventurously expectant'.  I don't read my Bible as often as I've been checking weather reports today - checking for regular updates.  I dont' often lose sleep over what God might be doing next.  I don't often set my alarm early just to see if God wants to speak anything into my life.  In fact, I never set my alarm early to see if God wants to speak into my life.
But I wonder what might happen if I did.  I wonder what might happen if I was as excited and eager and expectant about God moving in my life as I am about the snow.
If I really asked God, "What's next, Papa?"  I wonder what might just happen.

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