Thursday 15 November 2012

Creativity and Perfection

I love all creative things.  I love creating.
I have listened to a fascinating talk this evening by Julie Burstein about creativity and the tension in creativity between what we can control and what we have to let go of.
She describes how when we are creative, we can't control everything - we have to let go of some things.  If we have a strict idea of what we want to achieve and what we want our creativity to look like, we will restrict ourselves and our creativity.
Creativity and perfectionism are often enemies.
I remember in Art GCSE at school my Art teacher telling us how she had been at a workshop and each person had to paint something.  They were asked to pause after about 20 minutes and share with the rest of the group which part of their painting they liked the most.
They all proudly pointed out which bits they thought were best and explained why.
And then the tutor asked them to paint over those perfect parts - to wipe them away - and to continue painting.
You can imagine my teacher's feelings as she was asked to paint over what she perceived to be the best part of her work.
But she said that after wrestling with the idea, when she did finally paint over the 'perfect' bit, she was much freer in her painting.  She wasn't limited or restricted by trying to make the rest of the painting as 'perfect' as the small bit she was proud of.
If we hold on to the idea of doing something (anything) perfectly, it will stand in the way of real creativity.  We will tiptoe around the perfect bits, scared to disrupt or ruin them.
Scott Adams says,
"Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes."
Or perhaps we could say, Creativity is allowing yourself the freedom to be less than perfect.
As someone who has spent a long time trying (and obviously failing) to be perfect, this is so freeing.  I want to be creative, I want to be free to make mistakes.
Paul urged the Galatian church,
"Christ has set us free to live a free life. So take your stand!  Never again let anyone put a harness of slavery on you."
[Galatians 5:1 MSG]
Even something as seemingly good as perfection can become a form of slavery.
Let's not let our drive for 'perfection' strip us of our God-given, messy, colouring-outside-the-lines creativity.

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