Thursday 22 November 2012


Today I feel exhausted and fed up.  I feel empty.
My heart feels heavy.
Jesus said in Matthew,
 "Out of the fullness (the overflow, the superabundance) of the heart the mouth speaks."
[Matthew 12:34 AMP]
Whatever my heart is filled with - whatever your heart is filled with - whether love, or anger, or envy, or frustration, or grief, this is what overflows and spills out into our words and our actions.  This is what spills out into our lives. 
Perhaps that is why the writer of Proverbs urged us to guard our hearts, as they are the wellspring, the source, of all life [Proverbs 4:23].
If I am not regularly spending time with God and letting His truths soak into my heart, all I will have to offer - all that will 'flow out of my heart' - is what I can muster up myself.  And on a day like today, that is not very much.
We need to keep returning to God and to His Word, to be filled up again and again and again, so that we overflow with His love and grace and acceptance and mercy.
For no one else has the words of life.
As Simon Peter said,
“Lord, to whom shall we go?  You have the words of eternal life."
[John 6:68 NIV] 

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