Wednesday 28 November 2012

Levelling The Ground

I thought the building work opposite my flat had come to a bit of a stand-still when I glanced out of the window earlier.  I couldn't see any builders and there was no obvious work going on.
However I soon realised that, whilst things near my flat have stopped, the builders have been focusing their attention on the opposite end of the building site.  The building site is on a hill and the ground is much lower at the opposite end. 
Whilst they have stopped work at my end (or have slowed down at least), they have been working frantically at the opposite end to make the ground level.  They have built the foundations up by about 10 feet, so that the flats will be level.
I have written a lot about building and construction work lately and about the need to have firm foundations. 
Sometimes that means levelling the ground - sanding down the bits that are too tall and building up the bits that are lacking.  Sometimes we have uneven ground and we need to fill in the gaps before we can start building.
The Bible talks about making the ground level -
      "Every valley shall be raised up,
      every mountain and hill made low;
      the rough ground shall become level,
      the rugged places a plain."
      [Isaiah 40:4 NIV]
I feel that I have needed to raise up lots of valleys and make a lot of rough ground level recently, so that I can start building again.  But I can't do it myself.  I need God to be my builder. 

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